
“Hope” is the thing with feathers.

Dear Members of MMA-UK,

As we stand on the brink of a new year, I want to reflect on the significant progress we have made over the past few months to move our organisation forward. First, we advocated strongly for Malayali doctors in the UK to join us. I believe our strength lies in our numbers and how we represent ourselves. With continued efforts from the wider team of MMA-UK, we have improved the numbers, but a great deal of work needs to be done. I invite you all to join hands in making our organisation bigger, stronger.

Second, we offered our first educational initiative – an inaugural webinar to provide Malayali medical graduates a clear understanding of the current job market in the UK. This was headed by our president Dr Antony Thomas, with support from Dr Godwin. This is just the beginning, and we plan to host many more informative sessions. For example, we have many second-generation doctors in our community who possess a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. I believe a careers fair would be an excellent platform for this exchange. Finally, our robust engagement with political leadership elicited a promising response from the Governor of Kolkata, addressing our concerns regarding the safety of fellow doctors in India.

These early success stories are a testament to our shared desire to improve the lives of our community. In a world filled with diverse opinions and challenges, our shared cultural heritage unites us. Let us use this opportunity to give back to the community. We do hope and wish for a great year ahead.

I invite you to join us and help strengthen our organisation. Wishing you all a very happy New Year!

Dr Ajith Kartha,
Secretary, Malayali Medical Association UK

President’s Message

Dear MMA Friends

Warmest greetings from your President.

We had a successful 2024 annual event at Daventry and thank you for your whole-hearted participation.  The new governing body has been elected and we are extremely grateful to you for entrusting your faith and confidence in the team MMA-UK. We will do our best.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Malayali Medical Professionals in the UK

As we look forward to the future, I want to take a moment to reflect on our journey as a community (here in the UK). The Malayali Medical Association (MMA UK) has been a steadfast pillar since its inception in 1982. MMA-UK has guided us through both good times and challenging moments. Together, we’ve built a network of support and camaraderie that has sustained us, and I believe now, more than ever, we need to strengthen this bond.

Reflecting on Our Past, Building Our Future

The journey of MMA UK has been marked by resilience and unity. We’ve weathered storms and celebrated triumphs together.  The landscape of the UK’s healthcare system is an evolving one, so we too must adapt. Our future as a community of healthcare professionals is bright, but it requires our collective effort to ensure that every Malayali doctor and dentist not only survives, but thrives.  I extend my deepest gratitude to all the past committees and members who contributed to the growth and success of MMA UK. Your efforts have not only kept MMA UK alive, but also propelled it forward which, ensured that it remains a source of strength and unity for all its members.

Engage and Share Your Voice

I believe that each one of you has great experiences, insights, and ideas that would be invaluable in shaping our path forward. I invite you to share your thoughts on how we can better support one another, especially as we see an increasing number of healthcare professionals, particularly junior doctors from Kerala joining us in the UK. Sharing the challenges you faced and successes you celebrated can inform how we, as an association, are more effective in fostering a sense of belonging and professional growth.

Let’s Celebrate Together: A Cruise to Remember

To honour our shared journey and to strengthen our bonds, I am excited to organise a special event, a cruise exclusively for our MMA UK within the next year or two. This will be an opportunity for us to relax, reconnect, and rejuvenate while discussing our future endeavours. I hope this gathering will not only serve as a celebration but also as a forum for meaningful conversations that will guide our collective future.

Supporting Newcomers: Extending a Helping Hand

We all know how daunting it can be to start a new chapter in a foreign land. Many new doctors and dentists from Kerala are finding it difficult to secure jobs and navigate the complexities of the UK’s healthcare system. As established professionals, it is our responsibility to extend our support and guidance. I encourage all of us to come together to mentor, assist, and advocate for our new colleagues, ensuring they have the tools and resources to succeed. My vision is to greet the newcomers to the UK through a Mentorship Programme by guiding them through clear and appropriate suggestions. I would welcome you to join me in forming a Mentoring Committee for guiding the new set of health professionals moving to the UK  by offering support and motivation.

A Humble Request

We currently have about 525 members in our MMA WhatsApp group, we have so many more Malayali  medical and dental doctors who have not joined this group.  I would like to request you to bring all of them under one roof so as to be a real force to reckon with.  Those who are not yet members of MMA I invite them to join. The MMA annual membership fee  is currently £50.  Members will have the privileges of discounts at the annual event which includes CME.

Looking Forward with Optimism

The future holds immense potential for Malayali medical professionals in the UK. Let us  embrace it with optimism and a renewed commitment to supporting one another. Together, we can create a vibrant, supportive, and thriving community that not only uplifts its members but also leaves a lasting impact on the healthcare system in the UK.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and seeing you all in the coming future events. Let us make the future bright for all Malayali doctors and dentists in the UK!

Let’s all be “ Healing Hands, Caring Hearts”. 

Warm regards, 

Dr Antony Thomas Vachaparambil

President, MMA UK

We wish and welcome all the young doctors & dentists with Malayali roots to be a part of the association!