
Annual Membership

  1. The Association is established for the purpose expressed in the Memorandum of the Association / Our Core Objectives.
  2. The number of members with which the association proposes to be registered is 1000 but the executive committee from time to time register an increase of members.
  3. (a) The subscribers to the memorandum of the association shall be the first members of the association.
    (b) That the Executive committee may admit membership of the association in the equivalent category of membership all those duly elected members of the Malayali Medical Association (U.K.) Ltd who were members of the M.M.A. on the date incorporation of the association or who became members of the association on the association on 19th September 1982, without requiring such persons to complete and submit a new application form in accordance with the By-Laws and that the executive committee may waive the requirement for the payment of subscription to the association contained in the By-laws in respect of such transferring members who at the date of transfer of membership have paid their subscription to the M.M.A. in respect of the financial year commencing on 1st October.
  4. For the membership, there is a membership fee of £50 per annum

For those interested, please download the Membership Form with the Standing Order, complete it, sign and send back it back to us at Any kind donations over and above this will be received with gratitude.

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Yes, download the Membership with Standing Order form.

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